Thursday, December 21, 2006


It's been awhile since I've been drunk. Yes, ladies and gentlemen (especially the ladies) I am an alcoholic. If there ever was an Alcoholics Anonymous in the Legazpi Village Area, I would be president. In fact, I am writing this under the influence. Ha ha ha. Can I just laugh now? Alright, enough of that. So, tell me, when was the last time you were buzzed? If you're asking me, a few hours ago with the Ace Saatchi & Saatchi creatives and a couple of visitors from the departments we work with. It was the fun-nest time I've ever had. Of course, there was a time I had so much fun drinking, I almost slept with someone. But that is another story. I know, I can hear you call me bastardly names. Mind you, as much as I am the scum of the earth when I am under the influence, I happen to be a gentleman. Okay, I can hear you laughing, too. Yes, I am a gentleman. I open doors, shift to the danger side when crossing the street and then some. I belong to a club only a few men would dare enter. But when men get drunk, they just lose it. Yes, we are not perfect. Ha ha. Who ever thought that men are perfect, were as imperfect as they are. No one is. And I am losing my thoughts already. Good night and Merry Christmas. Thank the gods I am not that drunk. I might have done something I wouldn't regret. Cheers!

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